Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Healthy Discussion on EHRs

Medscape reported although physicians agree with the potential advantages of electronic medical records (EMRs), they are taking issue at the current administration push for EHR’s on three fronts:

1. the incentive program for providers to implement EHRs;
2. quality of existing EMR systems; and
3. the drive to put EHR on every doctor’s desk.

In the words of President Obama, there’s nothing wrong with a healthy discussion on the issues. Although I don’t agree with all three of the physicians’ reasons (reason number 2 is a valid concern), I do believe this dialogue with physicians, bureaucrats, and the IT community will yield a better solution. However, the question becomes can all of the stakeholders stomach a painstakingly long “healthy discussion?” Or will everyone pick-up their marbles and go home, then in 2012 healthcare reform will be the bat used to beat up those that supported it?

Read the complete Medscape report here.


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