Monday, July 20, 2009

For Everything Else, VistA

I haven’t hid my affinity for open source code, especially as it relates to HITECH’s requirement for providers to implement EMRs. I’ve come across an interesting article from Washington Monthly, "Code Red," that does a nice job articulating my viewpoint. This article contrasts two EMR implementations, one institution uses the much touted open source system initially written for the Veterans Administration hospitals called VistA and the other institution implemented a proprietary solution developed by Cerner Corporation.

In a nutshell, the institution that used the open source system achieved dramatic positive results, i.e. the number of medical errors and deaths decreased drastically. Whereas the institution that installed the proprietary system, experienced disastrous results, i.e. in some cases two doctors were required to attend to a patient whereas previously only one was needed and the mortality rate for certain patient populations more than doubled. Although I’m sure a similar contrast could be made extolling the virtues of using a proprietary system, however, I think this article does a good job of articulating my position overall for open source code EHR.

In addition, this article also shed light on other possible unintended outcomes resulting from HITECH requiring providers to implement EHR a such a fast pace.

Read the complete Washington Monthly article here.


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