Friday, June 3, 2011

Whimsical Friday: YouTube, Public Access Channel

[Whimsical Friday is a light-hearted note on any technology that impacts our lives in some form or fashion.]

As I familiarized myself with my latest toy, Verizon Fios television, I wondered was Public Access television (channels set aside for free by cable companies for use by the general public) still around and was it still a viable option for fledging artists, personalities, and technicians? Honestly, after fumbling around with Verizon’s glitzy television guide, and sifting through 300+ channels, I couldn’t tell which channels were public access versus the commercial ones, heck I had a hard time just trying to find TBS HD channel for the NBA playoffs.

Anyway, as I continue to think about Public Access television, I rationalized that YouTube is public access television. To get a show on YouTube all that is needed is a camera and means to upload your video, i.e. a cell phone purchased within the last 2-3 years with a camera would probably suffice. You can’t get more public access than that, right? Unlike cable’s Public Access television whereas most artists/personalities hope to get discovered to potentially cash in on their talents, with YouTube not only is the potential there to cash in if you get discovered but if one of your videos goes viral you cash in immediately.

I’ve taught myself several new skills by watching YouTube, i.e. how to apply an Invisible Shield to my iPod Touch, how to stain concrete, just to name a few. I've also watched some very entertaining videos of original content on YouTube at my leisure. Actually, Public Access television is still around, hopefully any person or persons still broadcasting their program on Public Access television are simultaneously posting their show on the other public access channel, YouTube. For the record, I've never self-taught myself anything from watching Public Access television.


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