Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Gadget Kind of Day

In the words of Ice Cube, "today was a good day." One of the most anticipated apps for the iPhone was finally released, SlingPlayer Mobile [read complete story in InfoWorld]. I've had my SlingBox since Decemember 2007, about 10 months later I purchased my iPod Touch for one reason, and one reason only, so I could Sling live TV on-the-go (a Wi-Fi connection is required). I'm giddy because today is the day that my “tech-toys” can finally merged. Prior to today, the only way to get SlingPlayer mobile on my Touch was to jailbreak it. Since I'm not one to "jailbreak" anything, I had to wait it out.

What does this have to do with Healthcare IT? Not a doggone thing! Wait a minute, maybe I spoke too fast. I remember my days as a system integrator when I supported small physician’s practices. There appeared to be a level of envy, or maybe jealousy, that existed among them. Such that if one brought a new BMW, the others would buy a new Mercedes or Lexus. If one hung a $5,000 piece of fine art in their office, the others would put pieces of fine art into their office. When we installed a wired network with Internet access in one doctor’s office, the others followed suit soon thereafter. You see where I going with this, right? If you're a system integrator, show off this "way cool" app to the doctor that must have all the latest gadgets, trust me, he will want this. Of course, you offer to set this all up for him. Then once he shows it off to his physician pals, the others will follow….cha-ching!!

If you have no idea what a SlingBox and/or SlingPlayer is check out the YouTube video posted by


Anonymous said...

ooooh, aaaaahhh, its waaaay cool!!!

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