Monday, February 4, 2013

EMR/EHR Blazing A Path For BI

For most of last year I did Business Intelligence (BI) consulting in the consumer goods industry, hence the long time between my last post and now. So for my first post of the new year, and probably many more posts throughout the year, I will highlight EMR/EHR implementation and BI.

As some of the EMR implementation goals are now beginning to be realized and providers becoming more prepared to handle electronic records, BI possibilities are emerging. Healthcare providers can utilize BI strategies to not only improve business practices, but also improve patient care.

KLAS released an in-depth report, “Business Intelligence: Making Cents of Performance,” including research on market trends, BI needs, and vendor performance. Healthcare IT News summarized the key findings as follows:

  • The ‘pay for performance’ model and other reforms will force hospitals to more carefully analyze performance measures to identify inefficiencies, quality gaps, supply chain inadequacies and overall performance metrics.
  • Although enterprise BI solutions are growing in acceptance, industry-agnostic solution vendors are still making a good showing in healthcare.
  • Using BI to make key decisions is just the beginning; providers need their analytics solutions to help them perform predictive analysis with a reasonable level of confidence.

I’ll explore the current state of BI and EMR/EHR based on the key findings by KLAS in upcoming posts.


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