Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EHR Progress in Spite of Politics

In spite of the proverbial cloud politics hung over the HITECH Act, Harvard School of Public Health professor, former Health IT Standards Committee co-chair and current Veterans Health Administration senior advisor for quality and safety Ashish Jha, M.D., said that the HITECH Act is accomplishing what it set out to do three years ago, expedite health information exchange (HIE) and electronic health record (EHR) implementation.

Jha reported during the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium’s recent HIT ’12 conference that the National Center for Health Statistics showed that 35% of U.S. physicians are using either a basic or comprehensive EHR system. Although he could not comment publicly on hospital HIT adoption, he stated that when those figures are release next month they will show a dramatic upward trend also.

Jha also stated small offices, which administers half of healthcare treatment in the US, are still lagging behind. On the upside of this warning, there are still plenty of IT opportunities to be had for healthcare IT integrators.


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